• 女性为什么要投资


    十多年来,我一直以财务顾问的身份为客户提供建议, 但我参与这项工作的动机在我生命的早期就出现了. 我父亲死于2001年9月11日的世贸中心袭击事件. 我16岁,是独生子. 我们一家三口关系非常紧密, 我不仅看到我们的世界发生了翻天覆地的变化, 但我看到我妈妈在解决基本的财务问题上挣扎, 就像写支票一样, let alone possessing an underst和ing of our (now rather uncertain) financial picture. 我们很幸运能认识一个关心我们未来的人, 他们给我们介绍了一位财务顾问. I witnessed the confidence 和 reassurance our advisor was able to instill in my mom first-h和 as a young girl, 很快,我也萌生了为他人做这件事的愿望. 为客户提供理财建议是非常私人的事情. 对我来说,越个人化越有意义.


    • 继续投资股票. 女性应该更多地投资股市,因为从长远来看, investing in equities has proven to be an effective vehicle to achieve eventual financial 证券交易委员会urity. 我们不知道在任何特定时刻(选举周期)短期内会发生什么, 业绩报告, 空前的头条新闻等.我们所知道的, 然而, 是作为一个长期投资者吗, a consistent commitment to the stock market smooths out short-term volatility 和 has provided significant rewards.
    • 定义你的风险范围. 投资股票市场意味着你要承担风险. 风险不是一件坏事,只要你了解你所承担的风险.  If you need access to your money in a relatively short period of time (say the next three to five years) the stock market is not a place to invest.  如果你需要保证获得固定金额的资金,为什么要冒这个险呢? 然而, 如果你不需要那笔钱, 或者说它的一部分, 短期波动对你的长期计划没有影响, 那么股票市场就是一个绝佳的投资场所. Over the very long-term you should see financial rewards as an investor in the stock market in excess of inflation. 这意味着你的购买力上升了.
    • 性格问题. 女性往往更喜欢信任,而不是数据.  This is an excellent quality when picking a financial advisor because great performance can be fleeting.  Who do you see as a long-term partner in achieving your goal of financial 证券交易委员会urity for you 和 your family?  Pick an advisor who underst和s your goals 和 objectives 和 helps you stay the course through difficult times of uncertainty. One last step you should take after finding an advisor you trust is to go to the SEC 和/or FINRA websites to confirm this advisor has a clean record with no regulatory violations.  链接如下  http://adviserinfo.sec.gov/http://brokercheck.finra.org/ .

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